Sông2Sea’s Statement on Palestine for Community Sign On
Vinh Hua Vinh Hua

Sông2Sea’s Statement on Palestine for Community Sign On

This is a statement calling on our friends, partners, community members, and grassroots organizations in the United States to be in full solidarity with Palestine. We particularly call on you if you have ancestral connection to Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, as we have a shared history of French colonization and U.S. imperialist warfare.

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Sông2Sea’s Statement at the Resist U.S.-Led War Rally and March
Vinh Hua Vinh Hua

Sông2Sea’s Statement at the Resist U.S.-Led War Rally and March

While being indoctrinated to achieve the American dream myth, we are rarely told about the other side of Boeing as a weapons manufacturer, a part of the military industrial complex, and a war profiteer; one which directly profited from military violence on our own ancestral homeland.

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Statement on Amir Locke killing
Vinh Hua Vinh Hua

Statement on Amir Locke killing

Sông2Sea mourns the life cut far too short of Amir Locke, a 22-year-old young Black man who was murdered by Minneapolis police while he was sleeping on February 2, 2022. We are infuriated that no-knock warrants — one of which was used to kill Breonna Taylor less than two years ago in March 2020 — continue to be a tool for police departments across the U.S. to murder and inflict violence.

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Solidarity with Palestine
Vinh Hua Vinh Hua

Solidarity with Palestine

We are a multi-ethnic collective of people with ancestral ties to Việt Nam currently residing in the Puget Sound Coast Salish Territory. We declare our position in full support and solidarity for Palestinian liberation.

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