Statement of Condemnation from Sông2Sea on the Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Sông2Sea unequivocally condemns the decision of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. Our hearts lie with those who will be affected by this decision in the days to come. We are committed to continuing the fight against racial capitalism and patriarchy, which created these precarious conditions. 

We see this overturn as an attack on bodily autonomy and as clear protection of capitalist interests to protect the nuclear family unit. 

Patriarchy is built into the very fabric of capitalism. In pre-class societies, there were many different types of family structures, and women played a more powerful role for the community in general. Keeping house and child rearing becomes delineated as women’s labor. “The family unit has changed, but the precarious existence of workers under capitalism makes it necessary for most workers to have a family to survive.” “For the purposes of the capitalist system, the family unit is highly valuable—especially as it relates to the reproduction and caring for the next generation of workers.” ”It’s because the domination of women remains a pillar of the U.S. capitalist class’s form of rule.” “ingrained cultural indoctrination that with a “strong” family—that is with men and women in their “proper place”—everything will be fine.”

We reject notions of adoption and the foster care systems as long-term, viable solutions, as these systems are underfunded, traumatize children potentially entangled in dangerous situations, are understaffed with overworked and overwhelmed social workers, and do not ultimately resolve issues related to unwanted pregnancies and children. 

It is also a result of a billion-dollar adoption industry’s attempt to invigorate the supply of adoptable babies. In 2015, the private adoption industry had a net worth of over $14 billion dollars. There is no hesitation from the adoption industry when it comes to spending money to lobby against abortion access.

The private adoption industry is modeled upon the cruel and inhuman model created by Georgia Tann, an American woman who kidnapped babies and toddlers and marketed them as adoptable children to wealthy families. This practice embodied Social Darwinism, which sought to justify

“That is where capitalism comes back in at the systematic level. It is not as a conspiracy for profits, but as a form of political rule based on disciplining and intimidating one section of poor and working people, distracting and confusing others, and finally winning over and satisfying other layers.”



Sông2Sea’s Statement at the Resist U.S.-Led War Rally and March


Statement on Amir Locke killing